Wednesday, August 21, 2013

According to our research, the ideal boat for the Great Loop adventure, given our plans,  is the Catamaran. The shallow draft, roominess, efficiency, and livability of the Catamaran makes it very accommodating for the live-aboard-crusing lifestyle. We will not do any sailing on the Great Loop, so we simply remove the mast and rigging, add an outboard motor, and the Catamaran sailboat becomes an excellent motor vessel. We're not the first, this is tried and proven by numerous "Loopers".
We have been dreaming about doing this for years but have been content to cruise on our regional rivers, lakes and waterways. Now the dream begins to move into planning. Taking training through the U S Power Squadron, Coast Guard, and State Boating Safety education sites. Check out the "Great Loop" and see what you can learn about it!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your plan is coming together; I am looking forward to following your Blog!
